How Long Do You Have To Wear Clear Aligners

How Long Do You Have To Wear Clear Aligners?

TeamClear Aligner

Clear aligners are a teeth straightening system that provide similar results to braces using a different method. This treatment serves both an orthodontic and cosmetic purpose, as properly aligned teeth improve oral health as well as your smile. 

If you’re considering clear aligners, you probably have some questions, such as how long the treatment takes. Here’s what you need to know about clear aligners to determine if they are right for you. 

What Are Clear Aligners? 

Clear aligners are plastic trays similar to retainers that fit over your teeth and are virtually invisible. Treatment consists of a series of clear aligners that are designed to gradually shift your teeth into the proper position. You wear each aligner for about 2 weeks, then switch to the next one in order until you have worn them all. Then your treatment is complete and you will need to wear retainers to maintain your results. 

Average Treatment Time for Clear Aligners 

Clear aligner treatment averages anywhere from 6 to 18 months. How long your treatment will take will depend on your individual case and the extent of the movements necessary to properly align your teeth. Mild cases may take less than a year, and moderate cases may take more than a year. 

Do Clear Aligners Work Faster Than Braces? 

In general, clear aligner treatment tends to be shorter than braces treatment. Average braces treatment time takes between 1 and 3 years, so depending on your needs clear aligners could take less time than braces. 

Tips For Keeping On Track With Your Treatment 

If you want your treatment to take as little time as possible, there are some things you can do: 

  • Wear your aligners. Try to wear your aligners as much as possible. A good goal is to wear your aligners at least 22 hours a day, only taking them out to eat and care for your teeth. 
  • Keep track of your aligners. When you remove your aligners, only store them in the proper case. This helps prevent loss or damage. Lost or damaged aligners take time to replace, which can stall your treatment progress. 
  • Follow your dentist’s instructions. Be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions for wearing your aligners. Wear them in order and for the designated time period. 

Am I a Candidate for Clear Aligners? 

Clear aligners work best for mild to moderate orthodontic cases. Those with complex or severe cases may need braces to make the necessary adjustments to the alignment of the teeth and bite. A brief evaluation by your dentist can determine if you are a candidate for clear aligners. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Clear Aligners 

How do you clean clear aligners? 

The best way to clean clear aligners is with a soft bristled toothbrush and clear, unscented soap. Use a different toothbrush from the one you use on your teeth. This keeps your aligners clear and transparent on your teeth. 

Do clear aligners cost more than braces? 

The cost of clear aligners is comparable to the cost of braces. Both are covered by dental insurance in most cases, if your plan includes coverage for orthodontic treatment. 

Why Choose Emerson Dental? 

Emerson Dental provides clear aligners for the convenience of our patients. We don’t have to refer you to an orthodontist for treatment because we have the necessary technology right here in our office. After your initial evaluation we can give you an estimate for the length of your clear aligner treatment. 

To learn more, contact us today and schedule an appointment.